Christmas only rolls around once a year. But that is when most of the memories are made. This year my grandmother made a homemade honey glaze for the ham. She had the glaze in a plastic container. She stuck that in the toaster oven for 5 minutes to heat up the glaze and ended up melting the container as well. Or maybe it's tradition to just veg in front of the TV and watch old episodes of M*A*S*H, Hogan's Heroes or Gilligan's Island on Christmas Eve. Or maybe it's baking from the moment you wake up to the moment that you collapse and fall asleep. Or is it the half-drunken eggnog and cookies with a bite in them from Santa.Whatever the memory, it tends to come from an event that happens once a year.
This year for Christmas, I got socks, candy, a book and home made cookies (no pic because I ate the cookies and candy and can't find my mom's camera to take a pic of the others).
Other stuff I got: a record player. I have to share it with my sister, Sara. It is playing my Elvis Christmas Record in this pic.
An Abbey Road blanket
A band playing songs from Magical Mystery Tour
An Elvis ornament that sings
A Beatles Hat that I bought for myself from Amazon
My First Car!!!!!!


My favorite Beatles ornament.
And a bunch of bad ideas for Winter Ball!!!!!!
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